Build a new Offering

Quick Step-by-Step Onboarding Guide with Short GIFs and Videos


  • Create Offering: Navigate to the “Portfolio” section and click on “Add New Offering.”

Subscription Type: Investment vs Commitment

Investment Type: Requires the full investment amount to be processed upfront by the investor.

Commitment Type: Involves an initial percentage of the total investment amount upfront, with additional funds called upon during later phases of the project. View a visual example of how the setup for a commitment type offering appears by clicking here for a screenshot.

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  • Enter Offering Details: Fill in the offering details such as Location, Summary, Key highlights, Funding instructions and upload Presentation/Marketing Decks.  

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Upon entering the necessary details, a landing page link which can be turned On or OFF for public will be generated automatically. This link is designed to showcase your investment opportunities to potential investors.

Funding instructions are provided for investors to wire funds directly to your accounts during the investment process. For ACH transfers through the platform, email for demo and setup assistance.

👤 For questions or help with the process, email us at or Schedule a meeting. An experienced Customer Success Manager will reach out to assist you.