Clone eSign Templates

Learn how to clone (duplicate) offering eSign templates to save time and streamline your capital raise.

This article will walk you through the steps to clone eSign documents for the same or different offerings. This feature is designed to save you time by allowing you to replicate existing eSign documents effortlessly. You can also make changes to the cloned document's profile type and investor class, if needed. Let's get started!

Accessing the Clone eSign Feature

To access the Clone eSign feature, follow these steps:

  1. Sponsor Login: Log in to your SynPro admin portal

  2. Portfolio: Navigate to the "Portfolio" section

  3. Selected Offering: Choose the offering where you want to clone the eSign document

  4. eSign Templates: Click on "eSign Templates" to access your templates

Cloning eSign Documents

Follow these steps to clone an eSign document:

  1. Click the Three Dots: Select the eSign template you want to clone by clicking on the three dots next to it.

  2. Choose "Clone Template": From the dropdown menu, choose "Clone Template."

  3. Clone eSign Template Popup: A popup window titled "Clone eSign Template" will appear.

  4. Select Offering: By default, the current offering is selected. However, you can change the offering from the dropdown list if you wish to clone it to a different offering.

  5. Edit Profile Type and Investor Class: You have the option to edit the "Profile Type" and "Investor Class" for the document. By default, they will be the same as the original document.

  6. Clone: Click the "Clone" button to create a cloned document in draft status.

📝 Note

If the template you would like to clone is intended for all investors, you will be able to change the Investor Class and Profile Type accordingly.

If the template you would like to close is intended for investors on an invite only basis, you will only have the option to select the associated offering, not the Investor Class and Profile Type as those would be applicable on an individual, invite-only basis.

Editing Cloned Documents

After cloning, you can edit the cloned document as needed:

  1. Document Status: The cloned document will be in draft status by default.

  2. Editing: You can edit the template, add signatures, and make changes if necessary. Simply make your modifications.

  3. Save Changes: Even if you make no changes, you can save the document to mark it as completed. Once saved, the document is ready for e-signing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I change the signor count for the new cloned document?

A: No, the signor count cannot be changed for the cloned document.

Q: Can I change the counter-signor for the new cloned document?

A: No, the counter-signor cannot be changed for the cloned document.

Q: Will cloning have any impact on the original e-sign template?

A: No, cloning will not impact the original e-sign template. It creates a separate, independent copy for the selected offering.