This article provides a comprehensive guide on generating and understanding Tax reports within the platform.
Our new Tax Reports offer a clear and structured summary of investor contributions and returns for a specific tax year. The report also contains all the essential investor details needed for tax filing and K1 generation.
Accessing the Tax Report:
To access Tax Reports on the platform, follow these steps:
- Log in to your platform and go to Reports > Tax Reports.
- Filter the report by Tax Year and select data based on either the Payment Period or Earning Period.
- You can further filter to view data at the Offering level. By default, The reports will include details for all investors, including lead sponsors and co-sponsor investors. Use the dropdown to select a Cosponsor to run a separate report for co-sponsor investors.
- All reports are available for download to Spreadsheet for easy sharing.
Understanding the Tax Report:
To ensure precise reporting, the Tax Reports section is organized into two distinct categories: investor profile information and detailed investment data. The following breakdown outlines what you can expect to see within each category
Investor Profile Details:
- Profile ID and Tax ID: Unique identifiers for the profile.
- EIN for UBIT: Employer Identification Number for unrelated business income tax.
- Legal Name of Owner: Legal ownership details.
- Address Details: Includes profile-related address information.
Investment Details:
- Funded Date: Indicates the first contribution date.
- Percentage Funded and Ownership: Shows the investor's funding and ownership details.
- All-Time Contributions: The total cumulative contributions received for the investment.
- Funded Date: Indicates the first contribution date.
- Percentage Funded and Ownership: Shows the investor's funding and ownership details.
- Retained Earnings: Distributions categorized as retained earnings for the selected tax year.
- All-Time Retained Earnings: The cumulative total of retained earnings across all years.
- Return of Capital: Capital returned to investors for the selected tax year.
- All-Time Return of Capital: The cumulative total of returned capital across all years.
- Types of Distributions:
- Operating Income
- Proceeds from Refinance
- Gain from Sale
- Preferred Return
- Interest
- Investment Balance:
The Investment Balance is calculated using the formula:
Investment Balance = Total Contributions + Total Retained Earnings - Total Return of Capital
🗒️ Note: The values for All-Time Retained Earnings and Return of Capital are consistent and do not vary based on the selected tax year.
👤 For questions or help with the process, email us at or Schedule a meeting. An experienced Customer Success Manager will reach out to assist you.