Introducing Tax Reports

This article provides a comprehensive guide on generating and understanding Tax reports within the platform.

Our new Tax Reports offer a clear and structured summary of investor contributions and returns for a specific tax year. The report also contains all the essential investor details needed for tax filing and K1 generation.

Accessing the Tax Report:

To access Tax Reports on the platform, follow these steps:

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  1. Log in to your platform and go to Reports > Tax Reports.
  2. Filter the report by Tax Year and select data based on either the Payment Period or Earning Period.
  3. You can further filter to view data at the Offering level. By default, The reports will include details for all investors, including lead sponsors and co-sponsor investors. Use the dropdown to select a Cosponsor to run a separate report for co-sponsor investors.
  4. All reports are available for download to Spreadsheet for easy sharing.

Understanding the Tax Report:

To ensure precise reporting, the Tax Reports section is organized into two distinct categories: investor profile information and detailed investment data. The following breakdown outlines what you can expect to see within each category
Investor Profile Details:
  • Profile ID and Tax ID: Unique identifiers for the profile.
  • EIN for UBIT: Employer Identification Number for unrelated business income tax.
  • Legal Name of Owner: Legal ownership details.
  • Address Details: Includes profile-related address information.
Investment Details:
  • Funded Date: Indicates the first contribution date.
  • Percentage Funded and Ownership: Shows the investor's funding and ownership details.
  • All-Time Contributions: The total cumulative contributions received for the investment.
  • Funded Date: Indicates the first contribution date.
  • Percentage Funded and Ownership: Shows the investor's funding and ownership details.
  • Retained Earnings: Distributions categorized as retained earnings for the selected tax year.
  • All-Time Retained Earnings: The cumulative total of retained earnings across all years.
  • Return of Capital: Capital returned to investors for the selected tax year.
  • All-Time Return of Capital: The cumulative total of returned capital across all years.
  • Types of Distributions:
    1. Operating Income
    2. Proceeds from Refinance
    3. Gain from Sale
    4. Preferred Return
    5. Interest
  • Investment Balance:

The Investment Balance is calculated using the formula:

Investment Balance = Total Contributions + Total Retained Earnings - Total Return of Capital

🗒️ Note: The values for All-Time Retained Earnings and Return of Capital are consistent and do not vary based on the selected tax year.


👤 For questions or help with the process, email us at or Schedule a meeting. An experienced Customer Success Manager will reach out to assist you.