Learn the Investor workflow

Quick Step-by-Step Onboarding Guide with Short GIFs and Videos

The Investor Work Flow consists of a simple 4 or 5 step process, depending on the type of deal.

Rule 506(b) offering

4-Step Investment Process:


4 step process

Rule 506(c) offering:

For deals that require accreditation verification, there is typically a 5-step investment process. Investors have the option to upload their accreditation letter from their CPA for manual verification by the sponsor. Alternatively, investors can opt to use our Parallel Market integration, where they can provide their details for verification by a third-party vendor.

To learn more about our Parallel Market Integration and Pricing, click here. For a demo, please contact Success@sponsorcloud.io.

5-Step Investment Process:

5 step

For a comprehensive video guide on the investment process, please on the video thumbnail below.

Investment Process


👤 For questions or help with the process, email us at success@sponsorcloud.io or Schedule a meeting. An experienced Customer Success Manager will reach out to assist you.