How to Upload & Code (Create) eSign Templates

Learn how to upload and code for eSign Offering Documents!


SyndicationPro has made it easy for Sponsors to manage and streamline their capital raise through our eSign Template functionality. Esign templates make it easy to quickly send offering documents to your Investors.

This article will guide you through the process of uploading and coding eSign templates. At the end of this article, you will be able to save time and effort while ensuring that your investors receive professional-looking documents that are easy to sign electronically.

Step #1: Upload and configure your document(s)

From your SyndicationPro portal, complete the following:

Upload document(s)

  1. Navigate to the Offering that you need to upload and code document(s) for
  2. Click eSign Templates in the top sub-menu
  3. Click Upload Document
  4. In the Create eSign Template pop-up, upload a PDF version of your document(s) by clicking and selecting -or- dragging and dropping your file(s)

Configure Investor Options

After your files have been uploaded, select an option from the Investors to Sign dropdown. Here is a breakdown of your two options:

  1. All Investors: This option will allow all Investors in your portal who meet the criteria you set (Investor Class and Profile) to sign the document(s). If this option is selected, two additional fields will appear:
    • Select Investor Class: These are the Investor Classes that will be able to sign the document(s).
    • Select Profile: These are the Profiles that will be able to sign the document(s).
  2. Invite Only (invite after setup): This option will limit the Investors who can sign the document(s) to whom you manually select after you have completed coding your document(s).

Select the Sponsor signing order

  1. Select the option Sponsor signed the template already if you're uploading a PDF that already has the Sponsor's signature listed.
  2. Select the option Sponsor will eSign after the investor(s) if your document does not have the Sponsor's signature already listed on the PDF. If this option is selected, two additional fields will appear:
    • Number of sponsors signing: This is the total amount of Sponsors who will be signing the document(s). You can select up to 3 total Sponsors to sign.
    • Email of Sponsor 1 [2, 3]: This is the Sponsor(s) in your portal who will be signing as the Sponsor on the document(s).
  3. Select the Number of investors signing from the dropdown. This is the total amount of investors who will be required to sign your document before it can be completed.
  4. Click

After you've completed the steps above, the Create Your Template module will appear where you will code your document(s) for eSign! See how this is done in Step #2 below.

Step #2: Code your document(s) for eSign

Now that you've successfully uploaded your document(s), it's time to code the documents for eSign! This is the process of using dynamic fields to have specific signors complete specific fields.

This process is best illustrated through video, so you can watch the short video below for details on how to code your document(s).


SyndicationPro has partnered with HelloSign to bring Sponsors the most seamless eSign experience possible. However, HelloSign has recently released a new feature of Auto-fill fields. We recommend that our users do not use these auto-fill fields as they are not reliable. Instead, please use the Sender fields to auto-fill investor details.

Important Considerations

  1. Learn about the types of eSign Signer Roles here
  2. Learn about the document files sizes and limits here